Posted inOne Piece

Buccaneer’s Special Ability Is To Possess Multiple Souls

In Chapter 1104, Vegapunk reveals that the Buccaneers were said to possess a unique ability or characteristic in addition to (or perhaps together with) their incredible bodies. The context for this is Vegapunk witnessing a soulless, cyborg Kuma on an impossible rampage against Saturn to save Bonney.

To resolve this, I think Oda might play with the idea of Vegapunk’s “split-personality” circuit.

We know that Vegapunk essentially installed a kill switch into cyborg Kuma that functions as a “self destruct feature” and that, for whatever reason, it failed to stop him. This is presumably due to his Buccaneer blood, given Vegapunk’s comment.

The Buccaneers have so far been notable for their hardy physique, and Kuma’s character especially highlights the theme of taking on pain. This is said to be because us his body is different from others.

Now, as of Chapter 1104, we know that Kuma and Buccaneers are even more “different” than previously believed. So, Vegapunk’s “split personality” circuit was never installed, but Oda introduced the possibility.

I think this possibility has become reality, and the “self destruct” triggered by Saturn was the event that allowed cyborg Kuma to awaken a latent second personality or “soul” within his Buccaneer blood, which is the force currently driving his body’s actions.

This is foreshadowed both by Vegapunk’s switch, and by Cavendish, who becomes a second, more violent personality when he falls asleep. We also know that Blackbeard does not sleep, and that his body is “fundamentally different” from a normal person’s. If this were due to Blackbeard possessing Buccaneer blood, it could explain several things.

Firstly, Blackbeard believes that he is the perfect man to wield the dark dark fruit, and that it chose him. In the same conversation, he reveals to Ace that his darkness absorbs everything, especially pain. This can be contrasted with Kuma absorbing the pain of others. If Blackbeard was a Buccaneer, it would explain his reasoning for this “perfect fit” between a fruit which grants pain along with power and a man whose body is built for pain.

Then there’s the matter of him never sleeping. Similar to Cavendish, Blackbeard’s “souls” might be connected to Marshall’s state of conscious, requiring that he never sleep in order to maintain control of the body. At the same time, Blackbeard has taken advantage of his Buccaneer heritage to become the first person to consume two devil fruits.

We can compare Marco’s comment about how Teach’s is “different” to Iva’s comment to Dragon when he says: “But as we know…Kuma is different.” Moreover, Blackbeard being a buccaneer who carries the “D” makes his character superficially similar to Joyboy (theoretically) while Luffy’s life choices make his life much more profoundly similar to that of Joyboy. Regarding the physical similarities between Kuma and Blackbeard, I think they are relatively evident.

Theory by FMGUJ (

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