Posted inOne Piece

Loki had to kill King Harald for the good of Elbaph

Loki has been set up to be a nice guy basically since Whole Cake (the guy gave Lola a flower!), but I think Chapter 1136 gave us all we needed to understand what’s going on with him, and the role he’ll probably play in the coming arc. I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with these theories, but I haven’t seen a post about it yet so here we go:

King Harald

He was a nice guy, the giants all seem to have loved him. He persuaded his people to stop training their children as warriors, and wanted to open up Elbaph to the rest of the world instead of remaining an isolated society. Sound good, right? Wano wanted to do the same thing after all. It sounds progressive to us modern-time readers, who’ve probably been raised to think freedom and globalism is a good thing. Harald must’ve been a great king, right? That’s bait.

There’s nothing outside of Elbaph’s borders other than an oppressive, monarchist, genocidal federation built on slave labour that would love nothing more than to shackle every single citizen of Elbaph and use them as playthings for the Celestial Dragons. The only reason that Elbaph is safe is that the giants are too strong, just like with the Samurai in Wano. I think that Harald was at best misguided and at worst manipulated by the World government. We don’t know how easy it is for the God’s Knights to teleport, but I think it’s a bit suspicious that they could just yeet themselves into Elbaph castle…

Loki is a prankster that tormented the giants:

I don’t know how or why he killed the royal family’s lucky horse or why his mom died shortly after he was born. It might just be a coincidence, it might be foul play. Maybe the World government spies did it to bend Harald to their will. (“We heard your horse and wife died, that sucks man, let’s hope your son is happy and healthy”).

Maybe Loki was a based baby like Oden. What we do know was that Loki “attacked” villages with his animals and that he started some fires. We also know that a giant crow was the last thing the World government’s spies in Elbaph reported before they disappeared. I don’t think this is very subtle foreshadowing: Loki has been fighting a war against the world government behind the scenes. Either merking spies or trying to keep the giants in fighting shape.

When Loki talks about destroying the world, he probably wants to climb up to Mary Geoise and do a Fisher Tiger 2. I think Loki is the “princess” of this arc, and is being set up to be the leader of the Giant Pirates in the final war. His character quirk might be that he loves pranks, and at worst he’ll be a bit of an a-hole, but he’ll be on the side of Nika for sure. Luffy has already seen through his tough guy act, there’s no way he’s the arc villain.

Loki killed King Harald, as was prophesied:

This is meta but has there ever been a prophesy like this where the outcome wasn’t a sad twist? I’ve seen some people theorize that fake Shanks killed Harald, and that might be true. I think the more dramatic twist though is that Harald was under the thrall of the World government, and Loki had to kill his father for the good of Elbaph.

To summarize:

Loki is the princess of this arc and he’ll probably be everyone’s favorite giant at the end of Elbaph apart from maybe sword in the head-guy (funniest gag this arc). Loki’s been fighting the World government behind the scenes after they manipulated Harald to make giants weaker and Elbaph easier to invade. We’re all gonna cry when there’s a big two page spread where the giants learn about Loki’s true nature and someone from the World government is punched so hard they lose their aura forever.

Theory by Substantial_Pick6897

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