Posted inOne Piece

One Piece Chapter 1121 Spoilers

The One Piece manga is currently featuring the truth of the world as Vegapunk‘s broadcast continues. Even after their desperate attempts to stop the broadcast, the Gorosei fails miserably. One Piece Chapter 1121 will continue Vegapunk’s broadcast as he talks about the ancient weapons.

While we don’t have the full chapter yet, some early leaks and spoilers are starting to make the rounds, bringing with them an exciting and early inside look at the upcoming chapter.

According to the spoilers, the chapter starts with Sunny landing in the water. The Thousand Sunny has almost arrived next to Elbaf’s ship, where Saturn is, as we saw in the last chapter.

It is also revealed that Nusjuro is still recovering from the explosion. Then, Saturn tries to hit Bonney and Kuma, but is blocked by Sanji and Brogy. Bonney goes back to using his Nika form. Actually, Luffy encourages Bonney to attack Saturn, she transforms into Nika, Luffy and Bonney did Combo Attack sending Saturn away in small crumbs.

Dr. Vegapunk’s broadcast then continues, seeing him discuss the Ancient Weapons and claim that “the fate of the world” hinges on who obtains the One Piece. In turn, this is seemingly Dr. Vegapunk’s “the One Piece is real” moment, as he’s implicitly confirming that the treasure does actually exist by commenting on its significance for the world’s fate.

We see more reactions from major characters like: Imu, the Revolutionary army, Aokiji, Vivi, Shirahoshi, Judge, some Marines, some unknown characters, Dragon, Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk, and Cross Guild.

We also see a guy who looks like he’s from the Figarland family listening to Dr. Vegapunk’s broadcast (he looks like Shanks). For the mysterious new character, it’s silhouette, probably Shanks twin or the burn scar.

Break next week

The break is most likely to avoid having 2 weeks without One Piece, since the Weekly Shonen Jump will have a break in August.

Which should give us: Chapter 1121 –> Break from Oda –> Chapter 1122 –> Break from Jump.

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